About Project Perfect Mod
Project Perfect Mod (PPM) is a voluntary association that is not for profit. Its community helps the development of user-created content based on games. This content can be an indie game, modifications of well-known games, maps for games, user creation tools, among many other kind of projects.
Visitors of this site are mostly adults or teenagers over 12 years old. They are mostly game designers, programmers, artists, or just players interested on a new gaming experience. The visitors are certainly interested in hardware and software that can be used to design their projects or play the projects. They are also interested in courses to help them to become better at designing or programming their projects. Games, books, electronics, video games, among other items are certainly attractive for most members of this community.
The Project Perfect Mod Advertisement Program
Despite the non-profitable nature, PPM has monthly server costs, as well as annual costs with domains and additional costs with contests. For this reason, we have started an advertisement program on this site.
In order to apply a product advertisement, send an email to
with the subject "{YourProduct/Company} wants to advertise at Project Perfect Mod", replacing {YourProduct/Company} with the name of your product or the name of your company.
1. Definitions:
- Project Perfect Mod: This site (https://www.ppmsite.com), subsites (https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com), and the forums (https://ppmforums.com) and everything inside it.
- Visitors: Those who visit Project Perfect Mod.
- Provider: The webmaster that runs Project Perfect Mod.
- Customer: The client or the company that will hire the provider to advertise at Project Perfect Mod through the Project Perfect Mod Advertisement Program.
- Service: The Project Perfect Mod Advertisement Program, what is being offered by the provider to the customer.
- Product: The product that is going to be advertised by the customer to the visitors of Project Perfect Mod community.
- Server: Computer(s) that hosts Project Perfect Mod.
- Service length: The duration of the service as agreed by the customer and the provider. It can be set in days, weeks, months, or years.
- Terms of Service: The agreement between the customer and the provider stated in the paragraphs below.
2. Introduction:
By using the service from Project Perfect Mod, the customer agrees with the Terms of Service. The customer automatically agrees that any disagreements or problems related to it must be negotiated between the customer and the provider and it must not be dealt in the court of any country, nor using any kind of legal action under any circumstances. The customer and the provider should follow the terms stated below, although there is some space for negotiations:
3. Prerequisites:
Project Perfect Mod advertisement program may accept campaigns for products that comply with all conditions below. They:
- must be considered to be appropriate for the age of its public (12+);
- follow the laws of the location of its servers (currently: Germany), webmaster (currently: Brazil) and domains (currently: USA);
- must not be related to political, economic, and religious ideologies. This site is secular, so it must not privilege any religion;
- must not promote prejudice or hate to anything or anyone;
- must not harm the devices and the body of the visitors;
- must not be advertised in posts at the PPM forums without the consent of the provider by anyone related to the customer and third-party agents under supervision, orders or any kind of support from the customer;
- must be accepted by the provider.
These requirements are non-negotiable at all.
4. Services:
Project Perfect Mod advertisement program offers the following services:
4.1) Text-ads or images at specific locations;
4.2) News post-produced by the provider if the provider understands that it matches the profile of the site and interest of its users. This news post may cite content provided by the customer at the provider's discretion. While it will mention all the positive aspects of the advertised product that the customer desires if such positive aspects exist, it may have the potential to mention risks regarding the product. After all, this is a site created from fans for fans and we want to remain that way. The sponsored news post will only be posted and charged after the customer's agreement with the preview of the news post generated by the provider.
4.3) Content produced by the provider, if the provider understands that it matches the profile of the site and interest of its users. This content could be a review of the product of the customer written by the provider, new sections at the site related to the product, new discussion forums about the product (or user-made modifications to the product);
4.4) Contests produced by both the customer and the provider.
The customer may hire one or more of these services at once.
Project Perfect Mod will not tolerate the use of the forums to promote advertisement of commercial products without the consent of the provider. Those who violate this rule will be automatically banned from this community and their posts will be deleted as fast as possible.
The provider may agree with forum posts outside the PPM News Network and its subforums about the product if the provider agrees that the product is really something that will contribute with the projects or a significant group of users here. So, there will be no paid news post. However, it is possible to promote discussion about certain products, although negative comments about it will not be censored or removed.
The site may have news posts related to any commercial product that may interest the visitors of the site. The news posts of this site are independent of any customer, reflecting the opinion of the webmaster towards anything that affects the visitors and it will only take the point of view of the visitors into account. It has no obligation to be positive about any product.
5. Advertisement sizes and locations:
Project Perfect Mod offers 3 locations for text and image advertisements as offered on (4.1):
1) News Section: At the top of the site (https://www.ppmsite.com) with the size of 600 x 80. This place may have text and images;
2) Right Menu Section: At the right side of the site (https://www.ppmsite.com) below the 'Support Us' section with the size of 160 x 600. This place will have images only;
3) Forums: At the top of the forums, (https://ppmforums.com) exclusively for the non-registered users (the vast majority, over 90% of the visitors), with the size 728 x 90. This place may have text and images.
Images must occupy less than 800kb in the hard drive of the server and they may be jpg, png, or animated gif files.
All images (and text) used in the advertisement campaign will be stored at the Project Perfect Mod servers and loaded from there only. We need to comply with the safety of the visitors; the terms of our privacy policy and we need to prevent broken pictures and links. Also, internal images tend to not be blocked by most Adblock software/extensions.
The provider or an agent from this site will not create a text advertisement or pictures for the customer under any circumstances. That's the sole responsibility from the customer.
6. Base Prices:
The services offered by Project Perfect Mod will be charged in euros since it is the currency used to pay the server costs and PayPal will be used to receive payments. Payments are made before the service starts.
6.1) Project Perfect Mod Advertisement Program offers the following base prices for images and text advertisements as offered on 4.1. The extension of the contract is determined by the customer with the agreement of the provider. Longer contracts may allow better discounts.
- Text Lite: Text-Ad at any section of the subsites-only (https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com): €0.25 per day, €1.5 per week, €5 per month, €25 per semester or €50 per year
- Image Lite: Image-Ad at any section of the subsites-only (https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com): €0.5 per day, €3 per week, €10 per month, €50 per semester or €100 per year
- Text Basic: Text-Ad at the News section of the site (https://www.ppmsite.com): €0.75 per day, €4.5 per week, €15 per month, €75 per semester or €125 per year
- Image Basic: Image-Ad at the News section of the site (https://www.ppmsite.com): €1 per day, €6 per week, €20 per month, €100 per semester or €175 per year
- Text Smart: Text-Ad at any section of the site (https://www.ppmsite.com): €1 per day, €6 per week, €20 per month, €100 per semester or €175 per year
- Image Smart: Image-Ad at any section of the site (https://www.ppmsite.com): €1.25 per day, €7.5 per week, €25 per month, €125 per semester or €225 per year
- Text Smart Plus: Text-Ad at any section of the site and subsites (https://www.ppmsite.com, https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com): €1,25 per day, €7,5 per week, €25 per month, €125 per semester or €225 per year
- Image Smart Plus: Image-Ad at any section of the site and subsites (https://www.ppmsite.com, https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com): €1.5 per day, €9 per week, €30 per month, €150 per semester or €275 per year
- Text Advanced: Text-Ad at the forums (https://ppmforums.com): €3 per day, €20 per week, €70 per month, €350 per semester or €650 per year
- Image Advanced: Image-Ad at the forums (https://ppmforums.com): €5 per day, €30 per week, €100 per month, €500 per semester or €900 per year
- Text Premium: Text-Ad at the forums (https://ppmforums.com) and at any section of the site and subsites (https://www.ppmsite.com, https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com): €6 per day, €35 per week, €120 per month, €650 per semester or €1150 per year
- Image Premium: Image-Ad at the forums (https://ppmforums.com) and at any section of the site and subsites (https://www.ppmsite.com, https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com): €8 per day, €45 per week, €150 per month, €800 per semester or €1500 per year
It is possible to create other plans, as long as it is negotiated between the customer and the provider.
The space available for advertisements will be shared by all customers and Google AdSense. Depending on the number of advertisements to be displayed, each spot should switch advertisement dynamically every 30 seconds in order to show all of them with one site hit. It is possible to get exclusivity advertisement rights at Project Perfect Mod, as long as it starts after the expiration day of all services provided to other customers. The price, in this case, should be negotiated between the customer and the provider.
If the costs mentioned above change, they'll only reflect for new customers or at the next renewal.
6.2) Project Perfect Mod Advertisement Program offers the following base prices for news post advertisements as offered on 4.2.
- News Post Initial Cost: 300 EUR. It will be spotlighted for one day by default.
- News Post Spotlight Extension: 50 EUR per day. It can't be spotlighted for more than 7 days.
Every Sponsored News Posts will have a warning at the top of the news that will allow users to recognize that it is indeed a sponsored news post. It will be posted as a new topic in a forum called Sponsored News, that should appear as a subforum of PPM News Network, whenever a sponsored news post is active. At PPM's Front Page, it will show up at the top of all news, however, it will not show up on the RSS feeds, neither at the News Tracker. Sponsored news posts will not have Key Words of any kind. While a sponsored news post is being spotlighted, there will be no room for other sponsored news posts. Once the spotlight duration is over, the news will disappear from both the site and forums. Users will not be able to post comments on it.
6.3) Project Perfect Mod may offer additional services to improve the quality of the advertising campaign under request, i.e.: the product could be part of a competition. In this case, each situation is analyzed separately and a price will be set by the provider according to each situation.
6.4) Project Perfect Mod and the provider have no obligation whatsoever to provide any statistics about hits, uniques of the site, neither clicks at the advertisement, nor any regional information about the visitors or IPs of any kind, regardless of the plan. The customer can either find this information using a search engine and taking the advertisement to a special location where those who clicked there can be tracked.
7. Payment Conditions:
- The initial day of the service is the day where the payment has been confirmed. The advertisement will be added less than 24 hours after the payment is confirmed.
- If the service length is set in weeks, months, or years, the service expiration date is on the same day of week/month/year of the initial day. If the number of the day does not exist in the expiration month (i.e.: February 30th), the expiration day will be the last day of the month (in this example, it would be 28th or 29th, depending on the year).
- There is a tolerance of a maximum of 7 days to renew the service after the expiration date before the advertisement program goes down due to a lack of payment.
- If the advertisement service is renewed, the initial day of service will be one day after the previous expiration date.
- There will be no refund. If you feel unsafe about the efficiency of this advertisement campaign, you have the option of trying a lower period.
- The provider should email the customer with a new invoice when the expiration date approaches to the same email account used before by the customer. It's up to the customer to inform the provider about any changes in email account used on PayPal.
8. Termination:
The provider may terminate the agreement without warning and without refund if:
- If the customer or product no longer exists;
- If the agreement was not renewed 8 days after the expiration date.
In this case, the service will simply be taken down.
The provider may terminate the agreement with a warning and no refund if:
- The product or the advertisement product no longer complies with the prerequisites of the service.
In this case, the service will be taken down and an email will be sent to the customer explaining the situation. The service may return online if the customer corrects the problem and the provider agrees with the correction.
The customer may terminate the agreement with no warning, no charge and no refund by stop paying once the service has expired.
9. Final Notes:
The Terms of Service are valid until the expiration date. If the Terms of Service changes in the meantime, the changes will reflect once the agreement is renewed. It is the responsibility of the customer to store a copy of the Terms of Service in a safe location once the service starts or is renewed.
Whenever the Terms of Service change, there will be a reply at this topic reporting the differences, as long as there is at least one active customer.
Project Perfect Mod (PPM) is a voluntary association that is not for profit. Its community helps the development of user-created content based on games. This content can be an indie game, modifications of well-known games, maps for games, user creation tools, among many other kind of projects.
Visitors of this site are mostly adults or teenagers over 12 years old. They are mostly game designers, programmers, artists, or just players interested on a new gaming experience. The visitors are certainly interested in hardware and software that can be used to design their projects or play the projects. They are also interested in courses to help them to become better at designing or programming their projects. Games, books, electronics, video games, among other items are certainly attractive for most members of this community.
The Project Perfect Mod Advertisement Program
Despite the non-profitable nature, PPM has monthly server costs, as well as annual costs with domains and additional costs with contests. For this reason, we have started an advertisement program on this site.
In order to apply a product advertisement, send an email to

1. Definitions:
- Project Perfect Mod: This site (https://www.ppmsite.com), subsites (https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com), and the forums (https://ppmforums.com) and everything inside it.
- Visitors: Those who visit Project Perfect Mod.
- Provider: The webmaster that runs Project Perfect Mod.
- Customer: The client or the company that will hire the provider to advertise at Project Perfect Mod through the Project Perfect Mod Advertisement Program.
- Service: The Project Perfect Mod Advertisement Program, what is being offered by the provider to the customer.
- Product: The product that is going to be advertised by the customer to the visitors of Project Perfect Mod community.
- Server: Computer(s) that hosts Project Perfect Mod.
- Service length: The duration of the service as agreed by the customer and the provider. It can be set in days, weeks, months, or years.
- Terms of Service: The agreement between the customer and the provider stated in the paragraphs below.
2. Introduction:
By using the service from Project Perfect Mod, the customer agrees with the Terms of Service. The customer automatically agrees that any disagreements or problems related to it must be negotiated between the customer and the provider and it must not be dealt in the court of any country, nor using any kind of legal action under any circumstances. The customer and the provider should follow the terms stated below, although there is some space for negotiations:
3. Prerequisites:
Project Perfect Mod advertisement program may accept campaigns for products that comply with all conditions below. They:
- must be considered to be appropriate for the age of its public (12+);
- follow the laws of the location of its servers (currently: Germany), webmaster (currently: Brazil) and domains (currently: USA);
- must not be related to political, economic, and religious ideologies. This site is secular, so it must not privilege any religion;
- must not promote prejudice or hate to anything or anyone;
- must not harm the devices and the body of the visitors;
- must not be advertised in posts at the PPM forums without the consent of the provider by anyone related to the customer and third-party agents under supervision, orders or any kind of support from the customer;
- must be accepted by the provider.
These requirements are non-negotiable at all.
4. Services:
Project Perfect Mod advertisement program offers the following services:
4.1) Text-ads or images at specific locations;
4.2) News post-produced by the provider if the provider understands that it matches the profile of the site and interest of its users. This news post may cite content provided by the customer at the provider's discretion. While it will mention all the positive aspects of the advertised product that the customer desires if such positive aspects exist, it may have the potential to mention risks regarding the product. After all, this is a site created from fans for fans and we want to remain that way. The sponsored news post will only be posted and charged after the customer's agreement with the preview of the news post generated by the provider.
4.3) Content produced by the provider, if the provider understands that it matches the profile of the site and interest of its users. This content could be a review of the product of the customer written by the provider, new sections at the site related to the product, new discussion forums about the product (or user-made modifications to the product);
4.4) Contests produced by both the customer and the provider.
The customer may hire one or more of these services at once.
Project Perfect Mod will not tolerate the use of the forums to promote advertisement of commercial products without the consent of the provider. Those who violate this rule will be automatically banned from this community and their posts will be deleted as fast as possible.
The provider may agree with forum posts outside the PPM News Network and its subforums about the product if the provider agrees that the product is really something that will contribute with the projects or a significant group of users here. So, there will be no paid news post. However, it is possible to promote discussion about certain products, although negative comments about it will not be censored or removed.
The site may have news posts related to any commercial product that may interest the visitors of the site. The news posts of this site are independent of any customer, reflecting the opinion of the webmaster towards anything that affects the visitors and it will only take the point of view of the visitors into account. It has no obligation to be positive about any product.
5. Advertisement sizes and locations:
Project Perfect Mod offers 3 locations for text and image advertisements as offered on (4.1):
1) News Section: At the top of the site (https://www.ppmsite.com) with the size of 600 x 80. This place may have text and images;
2) Right Menu Section: At the right side of the site (https://www.ppmsite.com) below the 'Support Us' section with the size of 160 x 600. This place will have images only;
3) Forums: At the top of the forums, (https://ppmforums.com) exclusively for the non-registered users (the vast majority, over 90% of the visitors), with the size 728 x 90. This place may have text and images.
Images must occupy less than 800kb in the hard drive of the server and they may be jpg, png, or animated gif files.
All images (and text) used in the advertisement campaign will be stored at the Project Perfect Mod servers and loaded from there only. We need to comply with the safety of the visitors; the terms of our privacy policy and we need to prevent broken pictures and links. Also, internal images tend to not be blocked by most Adblock software/extensions.
The provider or an agent from this site will not create a text advertisement or pictures for the customer under any circumstances. That's the sole responsibility from the customer.
6. Base Prices:
The services offered by Project Perfect Mod will be charged in euros since it is the currency used to pay the server costs and PayPal will be used to receive payments. Payments are made before the service starts.
6.1) Project Perfect Mod Advertisement Program offers the following base prices for images and text advertisements as offered on 4.1. The extension of the contract is determined by the customer with the agreement of the provider. Longer contracts may allow better discounts.
- Text Lite: Text-Ad at any section of the subsites-only (https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com): €0.25 per day, €1.5 per week, €5 per month, €25 per semester or €50 per year
- Image Lite: Image-Ad at any section of the subsites-only (https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com): €0.5 per day, €3 per week, €10 per month, €50 per semester or €100 per year
- Text Basic: Text-Ad at the News section of the site (https://www.ppmsite.com): €0.75 per day, €4.5 per week, €15 per month, €75 per semester or €125 per year
- Image Basic: Image-Ad at the News section of the site (https://www.ppmsite.com): €1 per day, €6 per week, €20 per month, €100 per semester or €175 per year
- Text Smart: Text-Ad at any section of the site (https://www.ppmsite.com): €1 per day, €6 per week, €20 per month, €100 per semester or €175 per year
- Image Smart: Image-Ad at any section of the site (https://www.ppmsite.com): €1.25 per day, €7.5 per week, €25 per month, €125 per semester or €225 per year
- Text Smart Plus: Text-Ad at any section of the site and subsites (https://www.ppmsite.com, https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com): €1,25 per day, €7,5 per week, €25 per month, €125 per semester or €225 per year
- Image Smart Plus: Image-Ad at any section of the site and subsites (https://www.ppmsite.com, https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com): €1.5 per day, €9 per week, €30 per month, €150 per semester or €275 per year
- Text Advanced: Text-Ad at the forums (https://ppmforums.com): €3 per day, €20 per week, €70 per month, €350 per semester or €650 per year
- Image Advanced: Image-Ad at the forums (https://ppmforums.com): €5 per day, €30 per week, €100 per month, €500 per semester or €900 per year
- Text Premium: Text-Ad at the forums (https://ppmforums.com) and at any section of the site and subsites (https://www.ppmsite.com, https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com): €6 per day, €35 per week, €120 per month, €650 per semester or €1150 per year
- Image Premium: Image-Ad at the forums (https://ppmforums.com) and at any section of the site and subsites (https://www.ppmsite.com, https://www.projectperfectgame.com, https://cnc.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com, https://ra2.projectperfectmod.com, https://generals.projectperfectmod.com, https://ts.projectperfectmod.com): €8 per day, €45 per week, €150 per month, €800 per semester or €1500 per year
It is possible to create other plans, as long as it is negotiated between the customer and the provider.
The space available for advertisements will be shared by all customers and Google AdSense. Depending on the number of advertisements to be displayed, each spot should switch advertisement dynamically every 30 seconds in order to show all of them with one site hit. It is possible to get exclusivity advertisement rights at Project Perfect Mod, as long as it starts after the expiration day of all services provided to other customers. The price, in this case, should be negotiated between the customer and the provider.
If the costs mentioned above change, they'll only reflect for new customers or at the next renewal.
6.2) Project Perfect Mod Advertisement Program offers the following base prices for news post advertisements as offered on 4.2.
- News Post Initial Cost: 300 EUR. It will be spotlighted for one day by default.
- News Post Spotlight Extension: 50 EUR per day. It can't be spotlighted for more than 7 days.
Every Sponsored News Posts will have a warning at the top of the news that will allow users to recognize that it is indeed a sponsored news post. It will be posted as a new topic in a forum called Sponsored News, that should appear as a subforum of PPM News Network, whenever a sponsored news post is active. At PPM's Front Page, it will show up at the top of all news, however, it will not show up on the RSS feeds, neither at the News Tracker. Sponsored news posts will not have Key Words of any kind. While a sponsored news post is being spotlighted, there will be no room for other sponsored news posts. Once the spotlight duration is over, the news will disappear from both the site and forums. Users will not be able to post comments on it.
6.3) Project Perfect Mod may offer additional services to improve the quality of the advertising campaign under request, i.e.: the product could be part of a competition. In this case, each situation is analyzed separately and a price will be set by the provider according to each situation.
6.4) Project Perfect Mod and the provider have no obligation whatsoever to provide any statistics about hits, uniques of the site, neither clicks at the advertisement, nor any regional information about the visitors or IPs of any kind, regardless of the plan. The customer can either find this information using a search engine and taking the advertisement to a special location where those who clicked there can be tracked.
7. Payment Conditions:
- The initial day of the service is the day where the payment has been confirmed. The advertisement will be added less than 24 hours after the payment is confirmed.
- If the service length is set in weeks, months, or years, the service expiration date is on the same day of week/month/year of the initial day. If the number of the day does not exist in the expiration month (i.e.: February 30th), the expiration day will be the last day of the month (in this example, it would be 28th or 29th, depending on the year).
- There is a tolerance of a maximum of 7 days to renew the service after the expiration date before the advertisement program goes down due to a lack of payment.
- If the advertisement service is renewed, the initial day of service will be one day after the previous expiration date.
- There will be no refund. If you feel unsafe about the efficiency of this advertisement campaign, you have the option of trying a lower period.
- The provider should email the customer with a new invoice when the expiration date approaches to the same email account used before by the customer. It's up to the customer to inform the provider about any changes in email account used on PayPal.
8. Termination:
The provider may terminate the agreement without warning and without refund if:
- If the customer or product no longer exists;
- If the agreement was not renewed 8 days after the expiration date.
In this case, the service will simply be taken down.
The provider may terminate the agreement with a warning and no refund if:
- The product or the advertisement product no longer complies with the prerequisites of the service.
In this case, the service will be taken down and an email will be sent to the customer explaining the situation. The service may return online if the customer corrects the problem and the provider agrees with the correction.
The customer may terminate the agreement with no warning, no charge and no refund by stop paying once the service has expired.
9. Final Notes:
The Terms of Service are valid until the expiration date. If the Terms of Service changes in the meantime, the changes will reflect once the agreement is renewed. It is the responsibility of the customer to store a copy of the Terms of Service in a safe location once the service starts or is renewed.
Whenever the Terms of Service change, there will be a reply at this topic reporting the differences, as long as there is at least one active customer.